Our story
Become a
Fighting for gender and racial equality is hard and emotional work – that’s why you shouldn’t have to do it alone. We created a FREE membership community, so that you can make a difference alongside millions of women who GET IT and GET YOU.
Become a
Fighting for gender and racial equality is hard and emotional work – that’s why you shouldn’t have to do it alone. We created a FREE membership community, so that you can make a difference alongside millions of women who GET IT and GET YOU.
Become a
Fighting for gender and racial equality is hard and emotional work – that’s why you shouldn’t have to do it alone. We created a FREE membership community, so that you can make a difference alongside millions of women who GET IT and GET YOU.
“We will not achieve the change we need, from paid leave to raising the minimum wage, unless we harness the power we already have—the power of our voices.”
“We will not achieve the change we need, from paid leave to raising the minimum wage, unless we harness the power we already have—the power of our voices.”
Become a
Don’t forget it’s free!
Women are the majority of Americans, volunteers, and voters. Join the over 500,000 women across the United States who are working to build women’s political power and make gender equality a reality—once and for all.
*By submitting your email address you consent to joining Supermajority as a member or affirming your membership. You’ll have access to exclusive updates, actions, and a community working for the same future you are. You can opt out at any time.
We got you
Impress your friends and be the first to share in the group chat when we drop a new video, toolkit, or article.
*By submitting your email address you consent to joining Supermajority as a member or affirming your membership. You’ll have access to exclusive updates, actions, and a community working for the same future you are. You can opt out at any time.
Parent activism
and hard holiday
Ahead of the 2022 midterms, Supermajority is laser focused on winning in five key states: Arizona, Georgia, Michigan.
Parent activism
and hard holiday
Ahead of the 2022 midterms, Supermajority is laser focused on winning in five key states: Arizona, Georgia, Michigan.
Parent activism
and hard holiday
Ahead of the 2022 midterms, Supermajority is laser focused on winning in five key states: Arizona, Georgia, Michigan.
Parent activism
and hard holiday
Ahead of the 2022 midterms, Supermajority is laser focused on winning in five key states: Arizona, Georgia, Michigan.