Powerful together.
Powerful with you.

One woman can be ignored. Two women can be dismissed. But thousands of women, working together, are unstoppable.

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Let’s transform this country together. Membership provides you with the information you need and connects you to a community to take action with. We can’t wait to welcome you.

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Dr. Diana K. Lockwood, CT

“Supermajority changed my life, my perspective, and gave me a community of other women who joined me as allies in my goal to dismantle the patriarchy in science textbooks to include stories about women.”

Farah Delance Linot, NY

“I love being a part of Supermajority. I feel strong and powerful. Supermajority helped me unlock my potential as a woman. I learned how to take action and speak for the voiceless. Supermajority supports and promotes my efforts in the women’s empowerment movement.”

No room for hate

We’re building a future free of fear, intimidation, and violence at home, at work, and in our neighborhoods—no matter where we’re from, who we love, or how we identify. Learn with us.

Don’t worry, no one is grading you!
© 2025 Supermajority