Advocacy 101
Advocacy 101 is our new five part video series developed to ensure you have the tools and resources needed to create real change in your community. These quick, accessible videos cover a range of topics, including how to find important information on your representatives and how to organize online for the issues you care about.
Ready to create a future where all people are truly equal? Our Advocacy 101 series is the perfect place to start.
How to Win the Game
In this video, Liz Erickson, director of strategic programs at Supermajority, walks you through how to develop goals, strategies, and tactics that will help you win on the issues that matter most to you and your community.
Intro to birddogging
In this video, Colleen Kennedy, Supermajority’s national organizing associate, walks you through how to use birddogging to publicly hold your elected officials accountable.
Intro to digital organizing
In this video, Tessa Harvey, Supermajority’s deputy digital director, and Vanessa Petion, Supermajority’s digital media strategist, walk you through how to use digital organizing to tell your story and get people to care about the issues that matter most to you.
Learn to tell your story
In this video, Courtney Murray, Supermajority’s digital associate, walks you through how to create a strong first-person narrative that can mobilize others to take action.
Get the 411 on who represents you
In this video, Paloma Arroyo, deputy director of national campaigns at Supermajority, walks you through how to find your representatives, including information on their vote history and policies they support.