press release
Supermajority Supports President Biden’s Executive Order Protecting Access to Reproductive Health Care Services
2 min read • July 8, 2022
Reading time:
2 min
July 8, 2022
for immediate release:
July 8, 2022

Supermajority Supports President Biden’s Executive Order Protecting Access to Reproductive Health Care Services

Plan to Engage Women Launches Today in Several States Where Women are Suffering

Washington, D.C. In response to President Biden signing an Executive Order protecting access to reproductive health care services, Supermajority Executive Director Amanda Brown Lierman issued the following statement:

“We applaud President Biden for stepping up to the moment and safeguarding our access to reproductive care. This Executive Order shows the Biden Administration is willing to fight for women while our rights are under attack. 

“The Supreme Court’s decision to overturn Roe v. Wade put the lives of millions of people, especially women of color, in danger. The decision pushed us into a new era where my three young daughters have fewer rights than I or their grandmother had.

“While this Executive Order is not the only solution to this arcane and restrictive ruling, it is a critical step towards safeguarding our ability to choose. But we must continue to work until our lives are safe and our bodies are respected. 

“We cannot stop until Congress enshrines the right to safe, legal abortion care into law. Our freedom should not be gambled for political gain. Women –– as the majority bloc of voters –– have to show up to the ballot boxes and keep our elected leaders accountable. We will not stop organizing, voting, or protesting until our reproductive freedoms are permanently safe.”

Supermajority is a women’s equality organization made up of women of all backgrounds, races, and ages who are coming together to build a voting bloc committed to creating a future where we are all truly equal. Supermajority is dedicated to building women’s collective political power by providing the information, training, and resources needed to take meaningful action at the local, state, and national levels.
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